School Rubric

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When we amplify these thinking routines using technology tools, we truly provide our students with ways to "think better" and share that thinking.

During the 2018-19 school year, my administration at the time introduced the staff to thinking routines. Thinking …

Students are working on their historical fiction narratives about the Atlantic Slave Trade, directly after a writing mini-lesson.

I can still remember the feeling of panic and uncertainty as my principal announced our school …

So you just accepted your first ever teaching job in the Physical Education (PE) field. Now what?

So you just accepted your first ever teaching job in the Physical Education (PE) field. Now …

As educators, leaders, and parents continue to navigate these challenges, many are asking some serious questions about the fall – How will we do school in a global pandemic?

Educators know that teaching is stressful. Sure, it’s a lot of other things, too. It fills …

To make an innovative and inspired connection to the future we can focus on the ways to teach children the importance of leading a values-based ethical life.

A chaotic world is also a world of educational opportunity. To make an innovative and inspired …

As I entered the doors closest to my room near the auditorium, my attention turned to the area right above the doors to a banner that read Welcome Class of 2023.

When I arrived at Emmaus High School on Friday, May 22, 2020, to do my final …

From my Geometry course to AP CS-A, using technology as a tool to learn is something that I look forward to continuing and I hope my story and shared resources can help others develop a passion for coding in the classroom.

Entering college in 2003, I was eager to learn and eager to become a teacher. My …

We do remember our students’ idiosyncrasies and personalities, and sometimes what they write helps to make them indelible.

After you teach school for a while, you realize that all kinds of kids cross your …

It’s important to remember that each child is an individual and their support will be tailored specifically to their needs and wants.

At Wings Cumbria, many of the young people we support benefit from on-going therapeutic input from …

Like many school boards and school districts around the county and the world, our district is trying to determine its plan for the 2020-2021 school year.

Last Tuesday, I sat with my eyes glued to the screen for hours. I was intently …

At its most fundamental level, transfer of learning simply means applying our past learning to a new situation.

Note: This is an excerpt from the manuscript of our forthcoming book. If you like these …

What’s at stake is simple: without strong empathy to see us through the future, engagement will slump and relationships will suffer.

Helping current students and future leaders navigate the pandemic with greater empathy is important because young …